The Evolution of Tattooing: A Look at the Future of Professional Artists

If you asked a group of people today if they're wearing tattoos, there are definitely going to be many people who answer yes. While it is quite common today, it's strange to learn that there were times when tattooing was taboo and people just didn't get them.

 If you like high-quality tattoos by the best artists in Austin, TX - walk in through our doors at Vice and Virtue Tattoo. With a clutch of award-winning artists in our studio, we can turn ink into masterpieces on your skin. Feel free to visit our website for more shots of our work and find out how we can help you.

How Tattooing Started

 Tattooing is by no means a new phenomenon. In fact, you'd be surprised to learn that tattoos have existed on the human form thousands of years ago. Archaeologists have found tattooed remains that have been dated back to the Neolithic age, which is an unbelievable 5200 years ago!

 In these early times, tattoos were made using crude handmade tools and natural dyes made of charcoal or plant pigments. Needless to say, the designs were not intricate but rather thick lines and patterns. The reasons for tattooing back then were speculated to be religious, tribal, and ritualistic.

 The Fall and Rise of the Art

 While tattooing remained an integral part of several tribes, during the renaissance period in Europe, it was associated with more undesirable elements like criminals and vagrants. And it would remain so for several decades until there was a resurgence of the art.

 European sailors returning from their faraway travels would speak in admiration about how people were artistically tattooed, sometimes from head to foot. These would lead to a revival of the tattooed human form, and once again, it grew in popularity to where it is today.

 The Impact of Tattooing on Culture

 Today, tattooing is something that is very much in vogue around the world. It has found itself on the skins of people from all walks of life, and even billionaires sport cool looking tattoos. It might not seem much to the people who were born in this millenia but for others, this is a vital part of the art that is making waves since.

 For people today, tattooing has been an expression of their individuality and identity. They see the art as an extension of themselves and what they embody. It serves so many purposes that are personal to the wearer. Tattoos are created to remember, to forget, to love, to respect, to identify, and many other things.

 And with the rapid globalization due to the rise in technology, more tattoo designs are being shared around the world. This has led to adoption and improvisation of the art leading to a truly vibrant community that shares its passion across the world.

 How Tattooing Has Evolved

 The art of tattooing has come a long way in both design philosophy and technology. On the technology side, today's tattoo machines are a far cry from the painful tattoo methods of earlier. They are faster, more compact, and are able to create much more intricate lines that were impossible back then. It has completely refined the artistry, and a lot more different designs exist now.

 Another area we have to discuss today is the design of tattoos. Contemporary tattoo artists blend several types of art and draw inspiration from various design schools to create a style all of their own. Several styles exist today like 3d, monochrome, watercolor, geometric, lines, and neo-traditional just to name a few.

 The tattooing world also has its purists who still stick to the older philosophies and methods. A good example is the Irezumi style of Japanese tattooing which, even today, involves bamboo, needles, and sumi. It is super painful but it's the closest you can get to traditional tattooing in recent times.

 The Future of the Art and Artist

 If you're a fan of tattooing, then you'll be relieved to know that the future of the art looks bright. As one of the premier tattoo studios in Austin, TX - we have a good idea of how tattooing is going to evolve. Let's look at a few things you're going to see in due course.


Advanced Equipment - As time goes on, tattooing equipment will only get better. Better tattoo machines that are quicker and more painless will arrive making it even more appealing to the broader audience.

 Smart Inks - This will definitely be a huge step. With the help of nanotechnology, we will get smart inks that can change colors under specific conditions or even health indicators. The possibilities are endless!

 Augmented Reality - People will be able to experience the design of their tattoo in real-time giving them a better idea of the size and scale of the tattoo.

 Sustainable Practices - We foresee continuing focus on greener methods of tattooing including more sustainably produced inks and use of recyclable materials.  


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