5 Things You Need to Know about Micro-Realism Tattoos

Micro-realism tattoos look superb, given that you've chosen the right place to get it along with the design. Most people aren't aware of this technique in detail, so it warrants a bit of explanation from the experts.

 With years of experience and loads of artistic talent, Vice and Virtue is the best place to get your tattoo done. If you're new and are slightly paranoid about getting one, we can help dispel your fears. Come visit us at our studio in Pflugerville near Austin, TX, and we can get you started on your masterpiece.

 1. It Will Take Time!

 The first thing to understand about micro-realism is that it will take considerably longer to finish than your regular tattoos. The reason is simple - micro-realism is all about fine lines and intricate shading details. When you have to execute this correctly on your skin, even experienced artists are going to need time to complete it.

 It also depends on the size and the subject you've chosen. Tattooing a large area with a subject that has a high level of detail can be challenging. Not to mention, realistic tattoos need a lot of planning beforehand to be executed in phases.

 2. Needs Specialized Artists

 While regular tattoos themselves are not simple or easy, micro-realism pushes the difficulty to another level. When opting to get a micro-realistic tattoo done, you need to ensure that the person handling it is considerably experienced. The skill required to execute a beautiful micro-realism tattoo is higher and the best way to confirm this is to check the artist's portfolio.

 The best option would be to get artists who specialize in micro-realistic tattoos and are adept at using the specialized tools that are required. Don't go by just what the studio says, go online and check for yourself. You will find vital clues left in customer reviews that you need to pay attention to.

 3. Proper Placement

 Another vital aspect of micro-realistic tattoos is that you need to choose the right place to get it on your skin. The key for micro-realistic tattoos is that you want it in an area which is flatter and does not deform as much. Another consideration to take into account is that it should not be a "high-wear" area, which means that skin will not stretch as easily there.

  For this reason, you find a lot of micro-realism art on forearms, calves, and back of people. The placement for micro-realistic tattoos are much more important because over time the details can get lost which will make it look ordinary. The right place will mean you don't need to worry about maintaining it as much.

4. Higher Cost Than Others

 One of the most common questions people have when it comes to micro-realism tattoos is the price. Normally, regular tattoos are charged based on coverage area or time taken. But with micro-realism, the area is smaller and the time taken is significantly longer. This makes the cost scale for micro-tattoos a bit higher compared to regular tattoos.

 While micro-realism tattoos are smaller, they are considerably more expensive than regular tattoos. The reason is simple - you're paying for the artist's skill and time invested as well. Micro-realism is a much more niche type of tattoo, and you will not find many artists who can give you exactly what you want. Here, it's about quality vs quantity.

 5.    Fades Quicker

 Something that you have to be aware of after you get your micro-realism tattoo is that it can fade quicker than normal tattoos if you don't take care of it. Since micro-realism tattoos have a lot of fine lines and details, they're prone to fade quickly. One major culprit causing the high fading of these tattoos is sun exposure.

 This is also one of the important reasons why people prefer getting micro-realism tattoos on areas that are not exposed to sunlight on a regular basis. As a customer, you want to ensure that the studio doing the tattoo is using high-quality inks and equipment. If youtube new, Xtreme Ink, Raw Pigment, and Eternal Ink are some high-quality ink brands that you can use as reference.

 While these are the things you should know about there are also various other factors that exist. Micro-realism tattoos also need to be done in phases sometimes because your skin needs to heal before the next phase can be carried out. With micro-realism, the aftercare is much more strict. You should avoid exposing the area to sun or physical activity at least during the initial phase.

 If you're looking for the best tattoo studio on this side of Austin, TX, Vice and Virtue are who you want. We specialize in hyper-realistic works of skin art that look good wherever you get it. Check out our website and fix your appointment so you can get the ink on your skin that you've always wanted!



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